Hockey School Registration

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Jacques Martin Hockey School is the premier summer hockey camp for boys and girls ages 7 - 17 to learn, develop and grow through the sport of hockey.

Whether your child is brand new to the sport or an experienced veteran, Jacques Martin encourages boys and girls to take part in the #1 summer sports experience!

2025 Registration Update

We are currently full for skater registrations for Session 1 (July 28th - August 1st) and Session 2 (August 4th - 8th). New skater registrations for either session will be placed on a waiting list.

There are still spots available for goaltenders in both sessions!

This form works best when filled out using a computer.
Please Fill the Hockey School Regsitration Form

General Information

Family information section:

Emergency contact other then parents:

Tuition Fees (per week):

Day program cost $ 600
Residence cost $ 1215
  • Applicable taxes included
  • The cost of this school includes a hockey sweater for all students and 3 meals plus accomodations for those in residence
I GRANT permission to the Jacques Martin Hockey School to use photographs, video, audio recordings or other media that depicts my child participating in Jacques Martin Hockey School activities (on-ice, dryland, etc.), without compensation, in any medium including web sites or other electronic forms or printed media."